This plane is made from mild steel mill stock I bought a Lowes, this is the last time I'll do that, draw filing after grinding off the mill scale was a lot of work.
The infill is walnut, the iron is O-1 tool steel.
This was a learning piece. I found that 60 degree dovetails are too steep, too much piening to fill in the gaps. I also found that the sides need strong support on the ends or they bend inward as the end dovetail is piened.
The plane works very well as can be seen from the shaving in the first photo. But the second photo shows that I still have some learning to do. The dents at the toe and heel are from the sides bending inward when the two end dovetails were piened.
In preparing for this plane, I spent a lot of time reading Konrad Sauer's blog. His work is beautiful and his blog is a joy to read.