I needed a jointer plane because I was not happy with the performance of my very old Rockwell jointer. I was really struck by the cost of number 7 and 8 Bedrock and Bailey planes on Ebay.
After a lot of handwringing I discovered that there's a lot of material on the Web about Krenov style planes.
I bought a 2 inch wide blade and chip breaker for a Krenov style plane from Hock Tools and just followed my nose.
This plane is made from a solid chunk of spalted live oak that is resawn into three pieces as is done with most Krenov planes. The sole is rock maple.
When it was new, this plane moved around a lot, a week after I finished it, the sole had become convex so that both ends were above the plane of the mouth by about an eighth of an inch. I think this is because the live oak was sawn from the log about a month before I built the plane.
Three or four months after I built it, I planed and then sanded the sole flat again and it has stayed that way now for several years.
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